Main Methods Of Online Marketing

When you are first deciding on online marketing in order to promote your business online, the main online marketing methods that you will encounter are Organic search engine optimization and Pay per click advertising such as Google AdWords. Organic search engine optimization and Pay pr click advertising are the two main methods of online marketing. Both these forms of online marketing are aimed at getting highly targeted visitors to your website by making your website rank on search engine results for the keywords that you are targeting. Ideally a business needs to utilize both, organic Search engine optimization as well as Pay per click advertising on order to get the maximum exposure for their business online.

However cost and budget considerations often result in a business having to make a choice between using organic search engine optimization and Pay per click advertising for their business. Before discussing which form of online marketing is better for your business, it is important to understand the difference between organic search engine optimization and pay per click advertising. Organic search engine optimization refers to the search results that appear in the main centre section of the search results ranking within organic search engine results cannot be bought and ranking is a result of organic non-biased steps taken over a period of time. It is dependent on the overall popularity of your website on the internet in general among other on site factors. Organic listings are the results that appear in the main section of a search engine such as Google when we search for something. Pay per click advertising on the other hand refers to the paid listing or sponsored results that appear on the right of the search results page and not in main middle section of the page.

Pay per click result is paid for and results are almost immediate to achieve. However there are many drawbacks to pay per click advertising as compared with Organic search engine optimization. The recent years have seen an exponential rise in competition and a steep rise in pay per click costs. Click fraud is another rising concern in pay per click advertising where an advertiser may be charged for clicks that are not by genuine customers. 1) Many surveys and search engine marketing studies have pointed than users are more likely to click on organic search results that appear on the main section of the page rather than the paid listings that appear as ads on the right.

2) Organic listings are non-biased and cannot be bought. As such users trust the results more than the paid listings which are a result of paid advertising. The conversion rate for organic listings is much higher than for paid listings. 3) Rising cost of pay per click. Pay per click campaigns is becoming more and expensive day by day as competition is increasing. It is common now days to be pay as much as £1 or £2 per click for an op 5 position in pay per click campaigns like Google ad words.

4) The results of organic search engine optimization campaign are more permanent that pay per click. In pay per click the results stop almost immediately at the end of the campaign whereas in organic listings the rank remains. Although the main advantages of organic search engine optimization over Pay per click advertising are discussed above, Pay per click advertising has its advantages. Pay per click advertising is a much quicker way to get results.

This is useful to advertise events and other marketing campaigns that cannot be planned months in advance. Organic search engine optimization is a time consuming task and organic listings often take months to achieve. In the long run investing an organic search engine optimization is beneficial. Organic search engine optimization has lower costs and offers a high return on investment.

Once a favorable ranking has been achieved in organic search engine optimization, it is more permanent. In pay per click the results will atop immediately when the payment has stopped and the campaign comes to an end. Organic search engine optimization (SEO) campaign also has a wider coverage and generates maximum exposure for your business. Any organic campaign in order to achieve first page rank in Google will focus on a variety of techniques not only submission to search engines, e.g.

directory submissions, press releases, article marketing and social media marketing. All this is important in order to generate quality back links to your website and will most certainly be covered in any organic search engine campaign that is run on behalf of your website. Organic search engine optimization is hence a better rounded approach to online marketing and has a much wider coverage. Although you may not see the result within the first few months it will be an extremely useful marketing investment for any business. The benefits of an organic search engine optimization far outweigh any risks involved with investing in a one year organic search engine optimization campaign. More practical website marketing tips and discussion can be found on the Search engine marketing and E-Commerce advice for business blog.

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